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Over 120 Somalis stranded in Libya welcomed home

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Over 120 Somalis stranded in Libya welcomed home

APRNEWS - The federal Government of Somalia, FGS, on Wednesday welcomed home a total of 124 nationals who were stranded in Libya for years.

The Somali Prime minister, Ali Hassan Khaire, who tweeted the news said the returnees “are finally home to start a new life as FGS steps up efforts catering to its nationals wherever they are.”

He added that over the course of the last 12 months, government had facilitated the return of over 1,000 nationals from within and outside the continent.

He mentioned Libya, Seychelles, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania as places from where Somalis have been repatriated. India was the only non-African country he mentioned.

His tweet was accompanied by a photo of a number of the returnees disemnbarking from a flight after it arrived at the airport in the capital, Mogadishu.

In 2017, the government reached a deal with neighbouring Ethiopia, which agreement saw the return of 114 Somali prisoners.

With Africanews