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Agency Regional Press

Australia scientists develop ‘world first’ melanoma blood test

APRNEWS - Australian researchers said Wednesday they have developed a blood test for melanoma in its early stages, calling it a “world first” breakthrough that could save many lives.

The scientists, from Edith Cowan University, said the new test could help doctors detect the skin cancer before it spreads through a person’s body.


Egypt : Local banks at risk of government over-indebtedness

APRNEWS - Egypt’s local banks are at risk of government over-indebtedness, data from the Institute for international Finance showed. Last year, Egypt was the world’s second-largest borrower from local banks, after China. Public debt interests to be paid in 2018 and 2019 are an average of 8% of GDP. Meanwhile, budget deficit stood at 6% of GDP. 


Five Signs He Really Likes You

APRNEWS - More often than not men think that they are good at hiding their feelings but half of the time they are not, which is why it is generally easy to tell when they like you.

However, because the world of relationships is so confusing and complicated you may need a little help decoding these signs, we’ve got you.



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