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apr-news-Beer / Why you should never drink after exercise
Friday, 29 June 2018

APRNEWS - Alcohol slows muscle repair, worsens injuries, makes your ne

APRNEWS -  *Gates Foundation supports project with $9.1m in desperate bid to eradicate malaria 

APRNEWS - One tablespoon of coconut, olive oil slashes stroke, cancer risk, prolong life, vitality 

APRNEWS - Mobile Drug Sellers A Treat To Healthy Living

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

APRNEWS - A man’s little swimmers are almost as important as his being

WHO predicts Ebola outbreak in DR Congo could end soon

APRNEWS - The director general of the Wo

Top Five Sources Of Vitamin D

APRNEWS - The importance of vitamin D ca

APRNEWS - The Ebola vaccination campaign has begun in DRC, to combat the latest outbreak in the country which has left at least

REUTERS - Two dying Ebola patients were spirited out of a Congo hospital by their relatives on motor-bikes, then taken to a prayer meeting w

THEGUARDIAN - The death toll in an outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) rose to 26

GUARDIAN - Anger is a negative emotion that has proven, more times than not, to cause severe damaging effects on an individual’s general wel

VOA- Three new cases of the often lethal Ebola virus have been confirmed in a city of more than 1 million people, Congo’s health minister an

GUARDIAN - Fruit ripening sometimes requires patience especially as some fruits can take weeks before it ripens.

REUTERS - An experimental Ebola vaccine to be deployed in an outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo has conquered some major scientific hu

REUTERS - Whenever the all-female Nigerian biker group D’Angels hit the streets, people would stare in amazement at the sight of women on mo

GUARDIAN - Thousands of doses of Ebola vaccine arrived Wednesday in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is facing an outbreak of the dea

GUARDIAN - In 2016, three days after a girl in the UK drank the green tea she ordered, she was admitted t
