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APRNEWS - Counterterrorism: Accra Initiative member countries meet to boost cooperation

APRNEWS - The nations which are part of the 2017 Accra Initiative seek to better coopeerate in order to fight the increased risks from terrorist organisations. The death toll of victims of the Islamic State-allied and Al Qaeda militants waging war in the Sahel keeps rising.

"This conference is timely", the Ghanaian Minister of National Security told his guests.


‘Ku Klux Klan cowboys of the White House’: Maduro unloads on Trump’s ‘extremist’ administration in fiery speech

Le président vénézuélien Nicolas Maduro a déchiré le gouvernement sortant de Donald Trump, faisant exploser son «déclin moral complet», en dénonçant les sanctions américaines débilitantes et la décision de mettre une prime sur sa tête.



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